Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This is freaking RIDICULOUS! I'll have Grandchildren before this stuff ever gets sent out. No more Topps for me after this fiasco.

FBBS2SZSKY Baseball 2009 Topps Finest Dexter Fowler AU Rookie Letter Patch 05/07/2009 Pending

FBBQ1MCEVB Baseball 2009 Topps Finest Dexter Fowler AU Rookie Letter Patch 05/07/2009 Pending

FBBA3XJZ6X Baseball 2009 Topps Finest MLB Rookie #10 Red Refractor 05/07/2009 Pending

FBB7H5GNR2 Baseball 2009 Topps Finest MLB Rookie #10 05/07/2009 Pending

FBBMY2ZNC6 Baseball 2009 Topps Finest MLB Rookie #2 05/07/2009 Pending

FBBV1LW7TH Baseball 2009 Topps Finest MLB Rookie #2 05/07/2009 Pending

TBB3JLB99U Baseball 2009 Topps Series 2 Red Hot Rookie #8 06/19/2009 Pending


beardy said...

Yeah, I'm waiting on 5 cards from Topps that are WELL past the "15 week" mark myself.

And then there's Upper Deck... who hasn't provided ANY information about the Entomology card I redeemed a month ago.

The Big Kahuna said...

The thing that always kills me is they say 30 weeks from the date. Then it's a year later from the date redeemed and then you still have no card.