With all that is unholy happening around us and the clock ticking down on the end of the Mayan Calender, let us gaze upon the holiness of 2011 TOPPS SUPREME FOOTBALL and thou shall see what thy mighty hand has thou pullest:
BEHOLD yourself and take a blow to one knee! For it is thy rookie bookth Green Bayth Packeth Knight Randall Cobb #4/10
I felt real good about getting this ungodly size pack of cards at first glance. I thought, "Somebody fell asleep at Topps and put too many cards in the pack." I was not that lucky but I was lucky when I saw the words booklet and it read Randall Cobb 4/10. The only thing that disappoints me about this booklet is the type of jersey they used for in it. For a low serially numbered booklet card they should have used patch cards or at least half patch pieces or anything that had some frickin' color to it. NOPE. Just a plain ol' swatch of green garb........not even pants garb........just sitting there.......no color........lifeless........no cheese.........nothing but a green BLAH! They used about as much effort into the making of the card as Randall did signing the card er oops........I mean sticker.

For our next contestant we have some Kansas City Chiefs rookie wide receiver known as Big "Hands" Chief Jon Baldwin (I have been pulling cards of this guy left and right.......he's stalking me!). This one is numbered 15/50.
Up next is the former Boston College Quarterback who is able to leap over Doug Flutie in a single bound! That's right you know him as the "The Dirkness of Dirty Birds"- MATT RYAN. Bonus points for me and EBAY as it's serially numbered to his jersey number 2/15!
Next on our list is Detroit Lions Wide Receiver Titus Young serially numbered 1/10. At least his jersey piece has part of the arm bands on it for a low serially numbered card (AHEM... Topps are you paying attention).
Next in our vagabond of pulls is #11/25 Buffalo Bills Defensive End Rookie Marcell Dareus! It's nice to see the defensive line guys get the respect and auto's for once!
I'm still deciding who seems to be stalking me more.......is it Jon Baldwin or is it this Jacksonville Jaguars Quarterback Blaine Gabbert. I've been pulling his low numbered rookies and autos left and right. Could that be a sign from the Sportscards Gods....like when I sold my Tom Brady playoff contenders championship ticket rookie auto card on ebay back in 2001 because I thought he wasn't going to amount to anything after the dismal fourth game of the season where he looked horrible (yeah it sold for $55.00- LESSON LEARNED)! ANYHOW this Blaine is serially numbered 12/90.

Like I said before........I can't seem to get away from Blaine Gabbert and this other somewhat of an overrated Quarterback CAM NEWTON. This card is serially numbered 12/25. Now if you're an ebay scammer you could list this card as a 1/1 using this simple formula: Blaine's jersey number is 11 and Cam's is 1 and when you put it together you get 11+1=12 OMG 12/25 is the card number........THAT MEANS IT'S AN EBA-.... FULL OF GARBAGE......LOL! ANYHOW......bask in the ambiance of my third Cam Newton autograph that we have pulled this year!
I think Torrey Smith might be also stalking me as well as this is the fourth autograph of him that I have pulled. I've pulled his auto from:
1. Topps Chrome blaster- refractor auto /99
2. Topps Prime Blaster- Level 6 Prime Jersey quad auto
3. Topps Chrome Hobby box
4. Topps Supreme Auto 45/55
Greg Little 34/55
Ryan Williams 46/50
TO BE CONTINUED..................................................